A bird visited a man, she could sing very well so the man used her skill - to pay off her talent. He took great care of the creature, she gave birth to a wonderful baby. The man had adjusted to the change. He got other birds, but none was so versatile and talent like the blue eyed mother bird. She continued singing and taking care of the little one and training her co-mates. It was time for the baby to fly, so she was busy with the little one relatively more. The man decided to sell the baby to the displeasure of the bird. She left the man, seeing her family - trust break apart. Unaware how the outside world would treat her.... Time elapsed. She decided to enhance her skill and join the competition to find her admirers, holding to the inspiration that she had held before. She is again mature and more able, as the man's bird who took her in his service yet again for a handsome price, both forgoing the difficult situations between them. Funda: Fly high. So be it, again riding on #practicality and #Confidence that #changereadiness offers. …see more